infant feeding support
Wellington County Speech Therapy is happy to offer support for parents feeding their babies! Whether you are breastfeeding, bottle feeding, combination feeding or transitioning to solid foods, we can help trouble shoot any challenges that come up along the way.
Infant Feeding
If you are experiencing nipple pain or discomfort, your baby is fussy at the breast or bottle, your baby is coughing or gagging during feeds or there is concern about weight gain, we can help! We look at oral motor skills to assess what might be going wrong and help trouble shoot solutions
Bottle Trials
Want to find the bottle that is right for your baby without going out and buying them all? Come into the clinic and you can try out a variety of bottles and nipples with the support of a Speech Language Pathologist
transition to solids
Getting ready to start in on solid foods with your little? Let us help set you up for success. Together we can come up with a plan on how to safely introduce solids keeping it happy and low stress!